
Does getting on a plane scare you? Have you suffered a delay and do not know where to start claiming? Are your seat neighbors worse than stepping on a barefoot poop? Don't worry ... you are not alone! In this post we are going to tell you a few things that can happen to you when you get on a plane and how to react.

... You shouldn't worry. For a plane, turbulence is like potholes for your car. They are perfectly designed to be able to fly through them, no matter how strong they are. And if they send you to put on your belt again, it's not because the plane is about to fall, it's to prevent you from hitting your head with the sudden movement.

Now, what you really have to worry about is the time of takeoff and landing. Just kidding, you know that airplanes are the safest means of transport. Although jo-do, it pains to think that you are several km away from the ground in a metal tube that stays in the air thanks to magical and mysterious physical forces, huh? Ok, stop now.

→ Solution: 3 Ave Marías and a glass of red wine.

Did you know that when you are flying you may get drunk before normal due to the altitude? So do not go with the toasts or you will run the risk of marking a Melendi. And no, the "if you already know how I get invited" does not apply.

→ Solution: less is more, leave celebrations for arrival.

I'm not fat, I'm bloated

Let's see, if you start to look like Michelin's doll, it's time to shout that "Is there a doctor in the room?" But if the problem is that when you look at your feet instead of fingers you have 10 black pudding, and your legs are more swollen than those of Cristiano Ronaldo (but without his muscles), it is very normal. It is the atmospheric pressure.

→ Solution: Try to get up and walk down the hall every 1-2 hours.

Has it ever happened to you that when the plane begins to descend just before landing, your ears hurt a lot? It is the barotrauma and, also in this case, the culprit is the atmospheric pressure and its abrupt changes. The cabin is pressurized and keeps the pressure level more or less constant, so you can rest easy.

→ Solution: as soon as you notice that the ears are clogged, try to yawn or swallow. Chewing gum also helps.

... It feels like a child wanting to practice kickboxing with the front seat or rehearse a dramatic scene based on cries and cries that exceed 120 decibels that the plane reaches when it takes off.

→ Solution: it is time to carry out that Tibetan meditation that your friend Carmen told you that sooooo much helped her. Ooooom

If someone eats something that smells from here to Lima, it will be, without a doubt, your seat neighbor.

→ Solution: Always carry a piece of blue cheese on top to start a war of smells. I said no. Well, I don't know, take advantage of the moment to take a ride on the plane (and by the way you are deflating).

Finish on the passengershaming Instagram profile, where bad practices (which are enough) of the worst passengers in the world meet toooooodas. From the one who is barefoot leaving a backpacker hostel smell in the room, to which he dries his underpants with the air conditioning of the plane (true story). There were even those who triggered the emergency exit to disembark before ...

→ Solution: Be a good person and behave yourself. It's not that hard, copon.

You were super excited to finally set off for your dream vacation, but after a few hours you already want to throw yourself out of the window because one of the previous situations (or all) has happened to you, and you can't stand another minute on this plane? It has happened to all of us.

→ Solution: don't get caught off guard! Take a good book, download Netflix or podcast series, take advantage of the entertainment on the screens on board, start a diary of your trip, if you travel with someone take the opportunity to play cards or whatever you want most ... come on, everything you get It happens to keep you distracted.

No, he is not pregnant. He simply does not feel like respecting the departure time. This may be due to many factors (mechanical, atmospheric, strikes ...). Anyway, did you notice that flight delays are directly proportional to the desire you have to reach your destination? Or at least that's what happens to us ... it's like a Murphy's Law of aviation.

And let's make it clear: all, sooner or later, we have suffered delays and even flight cancellations. Fuck, of course.

Peeeero, as always you have to look for the good side of things. If the delay is important you may benefit. How? Claiming! What if they cancel the flight? Too. And if there is overbooking? Too. What if the food is worse than a sandwich? vegemite? Do not pass.

→ Solution: there are several companies that are dedicated to claiming this type of problem for you, just search Google for “claim flight” and you will get a few. They take care of all efforts and usually only charge a percentage of the compensation. So the service is free and, if applicable, you may get a good pinch.

Finally we will give you 5 tips that would have come to us with pearls before taking our first flights:

1. Always check the schedules (that's basic, but there are people like me ahem, who have arrived at the airport 1 day late because they didn't check the date hahaha well, river for not crying). And always check the updates, in case of change in schedule you will have a notification by e-mail. We also use the CheckMyFlight app that informs us at the time of each modification.

2. Dress in comfortable clothes and do not listen to the weather outside: it may be hellish heat but believe us, we have flown on airplanes that looked like territory beyond the wall. Same speech in winter: outside there may be -20º but the plane will have the warmth of Varadero at 14h on July 20. So you know: dress onion-style.

3. Check in online and avoid having to stop by the counter, in case you don't have to check luggage, of course!

4. Respect the limitations of the luggage if you do not want to have to pay a few extra € (well, 2 kg more never hurt, but I did not tell you anything). Here is an article about the baggage policies of the main low cost airlines in Europe. If you do not find yours, just go to Google “[name of airline] bagagge policy

5. If flying makes you panic, I'll tell you a secret: I've lost count of the planes I took and ... I'm scared! How can someone who lives traveling be afraid to fly? Well, I'm not the only one! The fear of flying is one of the most common. Try to be rational, think about the amount of flights that leave every day and the millions of travelers who take them and without problems, and above all ... focus on the good: within a few hours you will start an incredible journey 🙂 This post can help you

Aupa Britney always


Video: Things Flight Attendants Do That Annoy Passengers MY REACTION (May 2024).